Maths Original price was: $400.00.Current price is: $350.00. Inc. GST
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Maths Original price was: $400.00.Current price is: $350.00. Inc. GST


Original price was: $400.00.Current price is: $350.00. Inc. GST

Price per school term of 10 Weeks
Class format – Group Classes, 1 per week, 60 mins each

Please contact the centre to schedule your lesson


The aim of the Strive to Thrive Learning Program for Year 4 is to:

  • Focus on assessing reading, synthesis, inference and evaluation;
  • Use comprehensive strategies to build literal and inferred content knowledge;
  • Learn to describe literal and implied Meaning in different texts.

The aim of the Strive to Thrive Learning Program for Year 3 is to:

  • Ensure that students understand different text structure relative to the purpose of that text;
  • Understand how languages, images and vocabulary can be used for effect;
  • Understand punctuation ion conventions and images and
  • Elect information and ideas which relate to their own lives.

Students read and write about familiar content that relates to other learning areas. Students read more difficult texts on their own, such as chapter books and non-fiction information and can write in different styles.

Typically, students will:

  • read and understand a range of different types of texts that explore imaginative and
  • informative topics
  • recognise and write texts that persuade and explain
  • write imaginative texts that include characters and events
  • recognise that pictures or graphics can be important to add meaning
  • recognise different kinds of language used in text, depending on the audience and purpose
  • learn information or ideas from texts
  • use mostly correct grammar, including simple and compound sentences
  • use accurate spelling and punctuation, and edit their own writing
  • plan and make presentations to the class
  • engage in discussions to share ideas and information, communicating clearly with others.


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